Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Eric Trump Criticizes Wisconsin Recount

 Eric Trump Tweet About Wisconsin Recount


To:     Eric Trump¹

From: Intelligent and Informed Voters

Date: December 4, 2016

Re:   Your tweet - "The Sad Truth: The Cost of Stein/Clinton's #Wisconsin Vote Recount
        Could Have Saved At Least 5,000 Children's Lives" (linked to an article from with similar headline)

Mr. Trump. Putting aside the dubious accuracy of the above-referenced assertion, in that you throw out a random unsubstantiated number(not unlike your father's modus operandi), and fail to specify the country in which these hypothetical children live, I will instead focus on what the first three words, "The Sad Truth," mean to me.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Is Judge Vance Day anti-gay AND anti-Semitic?

Here's an update to my earlier blog about Judge Vance Day, the Marion County (Salem, Oregon) judge currently being investigated after he announced he would not perform same-gender marriages.

It now turns out that the allegations against him from staffers cross into WTF territory. He required a picture of Hitler to be on the wall, and alleges he did it to honor Veterans!

Oregon judge: Hitler photo was hung to honor veterans

According to a KOIN6 online article, "A judicial assistant working under Judge Day said he hung pictures in her work space even though she expressed that she did not want them."
The article goes on to report that court documents reveal: “When his judicial assistant removed the items while Judge Day was on vacation, Judge Day told her that he is a ‘benevolent dictator’ and that she ‘works at his pleasure.'”

Marion Co. judge accused of ethical misconduct

On Monday, November 9, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., there will be a Public Hearing at the Willamette Heritage Center, Dye House, 1313 Mill Street SE, Salem, Oregon.

Before Judge Day gets his day in court, let's hope the people of Marion County demand justice be served and insist this judge be benched from the bench.