Showing posts with label lisa bloom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lisa bloom. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2017

Stripping Cyberbullies of Power

"Rhetoric does not get you anywhere, because Hitler
and Mussolini are just as good at rhetoric.
But if you can bring these people down with comedy,
they stand no chance." ~ Mel Brooks

Lisa Bloom is once again repping a high-profile client, which gets them both in front of news cameras. But what happened to me six years ago was/is infinitely worse than what just happened to Kathy Griffin; she's claiming her career is destroyed. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Debunking False Information on the Internet

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while
the truth is putting on its shoes.” ~ Mark Twain

SIGH. Is anyone else annoyed having to perpetually debunk false info on Twitter and the Internet? Twain said the above quote never anticipating technology. Here's the timeline related to a blogger's "article" about the now thrice-cancelled (alleged) rape case against Donald Trump: