Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Higher Hire Authority

Despite the Supreme Court's ruling, Kim Rowan, the ignorant bigoted Kentucky clerk, still refuses to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. When asked under whose authority, she responded, "God's." It seems Rowan is guilty of copyright infringement.

Democrat Steven Lynn Beshear ― attorney and current Governor of the lately not-so-great State of Kentucky  alleges he doesn't have the power or authority to remove Rowan from public office. Since when is a clerk an elected official?

Here is the Class A misdemeanor Kentucky statute under which Rowan should be charged:
Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 522.020 Official misconduct in the first degree.

Plus: 61.70 Malfeasance or neglect of county officers.

Or how about this:

The Sentinel Echo (April 6, 2009)
"Kentucky is accustomed to elected officials who run afoul of the law ― some who plead guilty or are convicted but continue to serve and draw their pay." 
Also, precedent exists in a 1990 case where a former county judge in Logan County was indicted on counts of malfeasance and first-degree official misconduct. He appealed and lost. C'mon, Governor Beshear, do your job since Kim Rowan isn't doing hers!


Is she giving the Nazi salute?
(just kidding)

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