Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Support Federal Legalization of Marijuana!

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people,
shall not perish from the Earth." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Please contact your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives and ask her/him to support the legislation listed below. I have provided links to make it easier and help you be more informed. Click on each bill's "HR ####" to visit for more details.

HR 1013 - Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol Act - removes marijuana from the list of controlled substances under federal law.

HR 1940 - Respect State Marijuana Laws Act - makes exceptions to federal law in states that have already legalized marijuana. (Essentially this tells the federal government that it cannot negate what voters in a particular state have passed into law.

HR 2076 - The Marijuana Business Access to Banking Act of 2015 - allows banking institutions to do business with marijuana-related businesses in the states where is it legal. Currently, because banks are regulated at the federal level, they will not provide banking services (including credit card machines) to marijuana-related businesses. This forces those businesses to do cash-only business which is counter-intuitive to regulation. By facilitating the legitimization of these businesses, they can be regulated and taxed, thereby bringing more revenue into the government.

HR 1855 - The Small Business Tax Equity Act of 2015 - allows for certain tax deductions for small businesses related to the production or sale of marijuana that are in compliance with state laws. This helps grow small business in America.

How do you find out who your local rep is and how to contact her or him?

Find Your Representative

Click the blue link just above. Type in your zip code and click "Find Your Rep By Zip." Once you get the result:
  1. Pick up the phone and call your representative's office.
  2. Click the email icon (little envelope) and send an email. 
  3. Follow-up with an actual handwritten letter to the Washington D.C. address.
Yes, I know email is infinitely easier in this age of instant gratification. Although handwriting a letter is a dying art, trust me, it gets noticed. For that matter, I've heard that handwritten letters sent to the White House get priority over emails. They figure if you've taken the time to put pen to paper rather than send a quick-and-easy email, the subject matter must be of importance to you.

Remember, it's not enough to share links and memes on social media as you gripe about our government and divisive partisan politics. With all elections, have realistic expectations about what one candidate can do. Things won't magically improve without you. Don't simply spout rhetoric about the sad state of things.

Active participation is the only thing that brings results. Don't sit on the sidelines. Get in the game.

"Be the change you wish to see in this world." ~ Gandhi

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