Today, U.S. District Judge Bunning of Kentucky — ordered Kim Davis to jail until she agrees to do her job according to the oath she took to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, this fame-seeking bigot getting paid $70,000 per year to not do her job, is now a martyr for the religious right.
Her history in the job is nepotistic. For 27 years, her mother held the position and Davis served as her mother's deputy. When her mother left office, Davis was elected to succeed her mother just last November 2014. In fact, Davis's own son is on the staff.
Judge Bunning has now ordered the clerks beneath her to immediately start issuing marriage licenses to all couples, including same-gender applicants. If they similarly refuse, they will also be jailed in contempt.
We cannot and must not allow religious zealots to override law and reason.
Separation of church and state is one of the last bastions of refuge for those of us who function logically and don't buy into fictional faith systems.
Even when Davis is removed from office — and at this point, it's "when" not "if" — she will likely cash in on her undeserved 15 minutes by writing a book and touring with her story. Such is the state of America, where no-talent nobodies are put on pedestals and reality shows, and turned into celebrities followed by millions of people.
One wonders if a female inmate will make Davis her "bitch." Since Davis could be closeted, maybe being behind bars will help her have a real "come to Jesus" moment so she will embrace her inner lesbian, and then apply for a marriage license with her new cellmate. Wouldn't that be a hoot? I smell a "Funny or Die" video in the making.
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