Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Power of One Voice

"Just One Voice... singing in the darkness
All it takes is One Voice singing so they hear what's on your mind
And when you look around you'll find there's more than One Voice
Singing in the darkness... joining with your One Voice
Each and every note another octave... 
Hands are joined and fears unlocked
If only One Voice would start it on its own
We need just One Voice facing the unknown,
And that One Voice would never be alone
It takes that One Voice." ~ Barry Manilow

My lifelong crush, Barry Manilow, wrote that beautiful anthem with a message that is incredibly relevant right now. Oh, what I wouldn't give to record an album with BarryI've been told I'm a pretty good singer. People often ask why I didn't pursue a career in music (fodder for another day), or why I don't sing publicly anymore (mudder for another).

Well, consider this my formal announcement that I'm willing to dust off my vocal cords to sing at Donald Trump's Inauguration. Yes, I just said that.

But first, I have some conditions. After all, divas and rock stars have lists of requirements for their dressing rooms. So why should I be any different? But don't worry. I'm not asking for water from the Nile or anything exotic. I think what I'm asking for is rather reasonable, all things considered.

Here are my terms and conditions for singing at Donald Trump's Inauguration.

1. Donald Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan put in writing (in an irrevocable contract with the American people) that, until the next presidential election, both Congress and Trump (if sworn in) promise they --
  • will not touch the Affordable Care Act
  • will not challenge Roe v Wade
  • will not defund Planned Parenthood
  • will not touch Social Security or Medicare
  • will not build a wall on our southern border with Mexico
  • will not deport undocumented immigrants unless they've committed a crime
  • will not create a Muslim registry
2. Trump divests himself of all conflicts of interest before the inauguration, putting everything in a true blind trust, without control or access for himself or his children

3. Trump releases his tax returns for the last 10 years

4. Trump undergoes a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation with a panel of psychiatrists, not of his choosing, and the results are released to the Media and the public

5. Trump holds weekly press conferences where he answers all questions directly, doesn't pivot, doesn't lie, and admits when he's been wrong

6. Trump limits his Twitter use to only announce matters of national emergency

7. Trump releases the last three (3) years of his medical records

8. Trump and his children bring all of their businesses back to the United States from China, Mexico, and elsewhere. If not, they must pay a 35% federal import tax on all of their items

9. Trump honors his promise to "drain the swamp" by cancelling all existing cabinet appointments, and instead appointing a cabinet balanced with an equal number of racially and culturally diverse Republicans and Democrats, both male and female, of varied sexual orientations and disabilities. No cabinet member may be a lobbyist, Washington insider, or billionaire.

10. Trump honors his promise to lower taxes on the middle class

11. Trump raises taxes on the top one percent (1%)

12. Trump foots all bills for residences other than the White House, e.g. costs to keep wife and son in Trump Tower are not incurred by taxpayers or city of New York

13. Trump gives the Secret Service two floors in Trump Tower rent-free for duration of his administration

14. Trump admits to and apologizes for all sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, misogynistic behavior, and rapes of which he has been accused

15. Trump apologizes to the victims of his Trump University scam and makes them each financially whole with a full refund of all fees they paid

16. Trump's sons promise to never trophy hunt again, and make amends by donating money and time to animal welfare advocacy organizations involved with protecting wildlife and endangered species

17. Trump appoints Hillary Clinton to the vacant SCOTUS position, and Paul Ryan and Congress agree to confirm her immediately

18. Trump agrees not to run for a second term

19. Trump formally apologizes to the disabled reporter whom he mocked 

20. Trump formally apologizes to the Khan family

21. Trump agrees to hold no rallies during his administration

22. Trump agrees to attend all intelligence briefings

23. Trump agrees to read the Constitution and hire a Constitutional scholar to tutor him

24. Trump publicly apologizes to President Obama for his birther accusations

25. Trump publicly identifies and denounces Breitbart and Alex Jones as sources of fake news and false propaganda

26. Trump publicly denounces the KKK, bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, and hate crimes

27. Trump agrees to crack down on police brutality, particularly against Black people

28. Trump pursues passing into law a national minimum wage of $15 per hour

29. Trump publicly denounces Ohio's abortion bill as unconstitutional

30. Trump enters into weekly mental health counseling

If the above conditions are met, I will be delighted to perform at the Inauguration.

However, should my terms be unacceptable, then I offer this alternative:
I will sing at Trump's inauguration, but only if he promises to step down the very next day, plead guilty to treason and collusion with Russia, and either accept serving life in federal prison or permanent exile in Russia.
Finally, if none of these offers is acceptable to Mr. Trump, then as a true American patriot, I say to him in the language of my native homeland, New Jersey -- he can go fuck himself.

As an American and member of the human race, I am duty bound to speak up against injustices. Let's address the orange elephant in the room. With Trump as president, our liberties are at stake.

I will do everything in my power to see that he is exposed, indicted, and punished for the crimes he has committed, reviled as a traitor, and remembered as the most despised presidential candidate in history.

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice
becomes powerful." ~ Malala Yousafzai

Be That One Voice. Be Powerful.

Barry Manilow performs "America The Beautiful/One Voice"
at the re-dedication of the Statue of Liberty on July 4, 1986.
He performs with the Boston Pops Orchestra conducted by John Williams.
Prepare to weep. Some great talents we've lost are in this video.

See my blog's disclaimer by scrolling to bottom of the page.

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