"Reviled dentist Walter Palmer tried — but failed —
to impress a waitress with his hunting prowess
by showing her a gruesome photo of Cecil’s carcass."
Palmer told the waitress at Doolittle Woodfire Grill
in Alexandria, Minnesota, that he held the record
for killing the "world’s biggest lion."

Palmer's alleged remorse and regret is disingenuous.
He cannot feign ignorance regarding what he did.
The evidence is indisputable.
He knew what he did was wrong.
That's why the coward is in hiding.
The United States government
must cooperate and allow
the Zimbabwe government
to extradite him.
After his trial, this monster
should be dropped in the middle
of a preserve without any weapons.

The animals will kill him
just to keep him as a trophy.
He will die slowly and painfully,
just like Cecil.
But if the animals try to eat him,
they'll spit him out because
he'll taste like the shit he is.

These graphic and horrifying images
show the cowardly Palmer smiling
over carcasses of just a few of
the beautiful and majestic lives
he has taken in the name of "sport."
I hope murdering Cecil is the last joy
he has for the rest of his life.
he has for the rest of his life.
Studies have shown that anyone who derives
pleasure from torturing, abusing, or killing animals...
is one step from killing humans.
The nexus is there and the statistics support it.

All images are the property
of their respective copyright owners.

"Slaughtering Zimbabwe’s most beloved lion
apparently wasn’t enough for Minnesota dentist Dr. Walter Palmer,
who wanted to kill “a very large elephant” just after taking down Cecil."
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