Mr. Christie,
It is telling that on your presidential campaign page, you've made it
impossible for American voters to send you their thoughts, compared to
President Obama who has an entirely accessible administration. Are you afraid
to hear feedback that doesn't support your views?
The policies you plan to
implement strip us of even more of our civil liberties. You want to send America backwards, rather than being forward-thinking and acknowledging the evolution of society.
I believe having you in the White
House would be detrimental to our country.
You have repeatedly been vocal about your anti-marijuana
position, including being against medical marijuana when prescribed by doctors
as pain management. This myopic and narrow-minded point of view is rather
hypocritical. You say marijuana is an alleged "gateway" drug and that
because you allege it's "addictive" and dangerous, you intend to keep
it illegal and even imprison marijuana users.
Let’s put this in perspective.
1. Food is highly addictive. You are living proof of that.
Are you going to outlaw food? It's proven that overeating leads to diabetes,
heart attacks, and death. Clearly food is dangerous. So you should ban all food
consumption and make it illegal to open an all-you-can-eat buffet. After all,
those places are like drug dealers for over-eaters.
2. Coffee is highly addictive. Caffeine is a drug with known
addictive properties. Are you also going to make coffee illegal?
3. Tobacco is highly addictive. Tobacco is proven to lead to
cancer and death. The data is indisputable. Are you going to make tobacco
4. Alcohol is highly addictive. Excessive alcohol
consumption leads to alcoholism, which leads to unemployment, and liver damage,
and often death. Are you going to bring back prohibition and make all alcohol
Let's put this in a logical way that you might comprehend. Everything has the potential of being "addictive" if people have addictive tendencies.
Again, look in the mirror to know this is true. You had lap-band surgery and yet you're still obese. Why? Because you are an addict.
By your own standards, you should do jail time because you
are an addict. Since Presidents "Dubya" and "Bubba" both admitted
they’ve smoked marijuana, you should have them arrested immediately. After all,
the law should not show favoritism. It should be applied uniformly regardless
of one’s station in life.
There is no known or proven nexus that marijuana is
dangerous. In fact, it is considerably less dangerous than cigarettes and alcohol.
There are no known deaths from marijuana. But documentation about deaths from
cancer and liver damage is overwhelming.
Whatever someone does in their private life is not the
government's business, nor should it be regulated. If you get behind the wheel
under the influence, sure, that should be illegal. But in the privacy of your
home? If someone is stupid enough to shoot up heroin and die, well, they did it
to themselves.
If you are going to make marijuana illegal, then you cannot
be a hypocrite and randomly apply the underlying concept so selectively. You
must apply it uniformly, which means making all "addictive"
substances illegal. Even prescription drugs such as Vicodin. Of course, that will alienate Big Pharm, but so what?
Food. Alcohol. Caffeine. Cigarettes. All much worse than
marijuana, and all proven to cause death, well, except caffeine. But it’s
certainly addictive. There’s a Starbucks on almost every corner in America
because Starbucks realized that coffee is addictive and they are now "caffeine" drug
dealers. So shut down all coffee shops if you plan to ban addictive
And the regulation must start with you. You must give up all addictive substances. You must abstain from eating. No more coffee. Practice what you
I hope you wise up and recant your position. Trying to
appeal to the far right has merely alienated a majority of Americans. If you
want to gain support, promise to legalize marijuana federally, at least for medicinal purposes, if not also for recreational use. American voters have already made
their voices heard in many states on this issue.
Someone can be a raging alcoholic or addicted to prescribed
opiates, codeine, etc., and you allow that. But if someone needs marijuana to
alleviate pain due to a disability or illness, you have no right to dictate how
someone needs to medicate themselves in order to get through the day.
Many Americans do not like, trust, or respect you. They do
not like your power play with the George Washington Bridge.
If you want a shot at becoming President (and good luck overcoming Donald Trump's impressive polls), you need to move more toward a moderate position rather than being so
extreme. You have to advocate for policies that make sense. You have to focus
on what really matters to Americans. You have to focus on our economy. Job
Corporations which outsource jobs overseas should pay a penalty tax,
and corporations keeping all jobs within our borders should get a tax credit. We should be manufacturing more items that say “Made in the
I welcome a dialogue with you. I dare you to go on "Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher." Perhaps you will see the error of your ways and admit you’ve been hypocritical. If so, you may possibly begin to repair your image.
Decriminalize and legalize marijuana on the federal level. Even the citizens of New Jersey (the state where you are Governor!) made their position clear when they voted for the "New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act." (Notice the word, "compassionate.")
That’s just my two
cents, from a former Jersey girl.
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